Friday, May 27, 2011

Lots of Firsts

We just dropped grandpa Grimsley off at the airport and I think Davis misses him already.  We had such a great time while he was here and Davis had a few "firsts" as well.  We spent an overnight in Evergreen with Davis, which he had never done before.  This also means he slept in a big crib for the first time up there, and he did great!  I thought he'd have a tough time sleeping in the big crib since he has only slept in the pack n' play so far.  But he didn't seem to mind at all and kept to his normal sleep schedule.  The next day we spent the day at Evergreen lake and Davis seemed to enjoy our walk around the lake and then just hanging out on the park bench with us while we took turns taking out the kayak for a lap.  That night we took Davis to his first Rockies game too.  It was a huge day for Davis.  He did phenomenal!  We laid him on my lap, looking back towards me, and he starred at the huge bright lights while sucking on his pacifier for 8 innings.  What a champ.  He was perfectly happy and really enjoyed the night.  He definitely found the bright lights more exciting than the game, but that's ok...whatever makes him happy.  We finally swapped out his pacifier for a bottle (which Kelly had warmed under his shirt for a few innings), which he took happily and then he slept in the carrier on our walk home.  I couldn't be more proud of our little guy.  Tomorrow we're taking Davis to his first wedding here in Denver as well so we're hoping that goes just as smoothly.  We'll keep the blog updated as all this happens.  Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Margaret said...

What a little trooper...or should I say Colorado sportman!! Wow! He'll be ready for ski season next year, for sure. New motto must be..."Have Davis, will travel!!" Have a wonderful wedding weekend. He may just steal the show from the bride.