Sunday, March 25, 2012

Enjoying the Sunshine

Davis loves being outside and has recently started requesting to go outside by making noises and pointing at the front door. So we've gone on lots of walks and picnics lately which everyone (including Ella) seems to enjoy. There has also been significant progress in the teething department lately. Davis has two bottom teeth that are VERY visible now, and he has 3-4 teeth on the top just barely breaking through. Poor Davis has been in some pain over those top teeth lately, but they're going to be big and beautiful very soon. He's also making HUGE strides with his walking and can now walk alone pushing a cart. He's still hesitant, but very able. It's just a matter of time now before he gets the courage to take his first steps alone. We have the house 50% baby-proofed and need to put on a few final safety latches and furniture tethers and then we'll be ready for mobile-Davis. :) He's also continuing to eat very well and has broadened his menu lately. Now that we have an idea of what he likes and doesn't like (primarily anything Gerber brand), I've been experimenting with making our own baby food. So far he's liked about half of the foods I've made, with roasted blueberry and banana being his favorite. He's great about trying anything, but getting that second bite in is the telling part. With summer around the corner and a huge garden that's already seeded, we're hoping to expand his menu even more and find some new favorites.

Hiking with his friend Penelope

No more infant Carseat! He loves looking around while we drive now...much happier.

Sad guy after screaming through his morning nap. Thanks to those mean teeth.

Ella acting silly

Did you want to walk Ella?

Time to go home

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